Galvanising and insightful

Ian Hudson Deputy CEO

Outstanding insight

Martin Thurley Managing Partner

Incisive, imaginative and insightful

Adrian Moat Finance Director

Crashingly clear insight

Nick Barley Director

Brilliantly insightful

Carolyn Mays Publishing Director

Insightful, clever and creative

Patty La Vigne Creative Director

Intuitive and insightful

David Shelley Deputy Publisher

Maverick insight

Andrew Levy Strategic Planner

Insight and inspiration

Martin Dorey Copywriter

A fixer

Phillipa Pride Ediorial Consultant

Laid back acuity

Linda Norwell Researcher

Complete clarity

Lucy Hale Sales Director

Incisive and creative

Neil Denny Editor in Chief

Direct and thought-provoking

Ursula Mackenzie CEO

Irreverent, clever and creative

Kate Wislon CEO

Brilliantly clever

Kate Ancketill Managing Director